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02 May 2019

Why, and how, utilities should start to manage climate-change risk

Electricity utilities
Energy Efficiency
Finance and Investment
Extreme weather events are exacting a high—and rising—price. Utilities need to devise and implement strategies to adapt.

Extreme weather events are exacting a high—and rising—price. Utilities need to devise and implement strategies to adapt. This is according to McKinsey & Company in its report 'Why, and how, utilities should start to manage climate-change risk'.

"The cost of extreme weather is already high, and the frequency and the cost to life and property of extreme weather events has increased in recent years. If such events become more common or intense, as the assessment predicts, the price will be even higher", the report says. "Even now, some utilities are making investments in long lived assets in risky locations, increasing system vulnerability and balance sheet risk."

Download the report below: