Developers and Funds survey for the Continent & the AfIDA Catapult

This is our first pan-African infra developers and funds survey. We would like to hear from you regardless of whether you are a member or non-member or of the status of your projects or fund. In fact we are particularly keen on hearing from first time developers and first time fund managers, as long as you have a credible ask for $ 20 million or more of capital for your first project.
The Catapult is aimed at improving the developer experience on the Continent. Our assessment is that projects take too long in gestation, and this is both the effect and cause of many problems we face, not least the large gaps and overlaps of capital, and a perception of poor risk transfer between public-private sectors. The Catapult is an ecosystem where developers learn from each other, find easier access to deep pools of expertise, experience and capital already available for the sector, and access advocacy support for more effective frameworks, policies and financing instruments. This is the essence of The Catapult – for a creating a dynamic of scale, speed and security of investment in the African infra sector.
Intake at the Catapult will take place through rolling pitch-sessions to some of the best known investors and financiers, and the first of these sessions is planned for 05-October at the Green Energy Africa Summit to be held in Cape Town.
This survey is intended to find the first participants in the Catapult. We would like all stakeholders from the African Infrastructure to sector engage, so please do take part in this survey. If you are a well established institution – then we urge you to have at least three companies in your deal-pipeline take part in this.
We must have responses in by 22 July 2022.
Please take the survey using this link or